Sunday, December 1, 2019

Gift Guide For The Host

 A Gift Guide for the Hostest with the Mostest

  1. 1. Wine Rack- love this rack because it is so different than any other rack I've seen! It would look so cute on the host's bar cart or kitchen counter. 
  2. 2. Monogram Bottle Stopper- yes, please! Personalized and who doesn't love a cute wine bottle stopper? It beats shoving the cork back in the bottle.
  3. 3. Fuzzy Socks- the coziest socks of all time. This would be super cute in a little basket filled with the host's favorite wine, chapstick and candle!
  4. 4. Aromatherapy Diffuser- this one is the perfect size and currently on sale. 
  5. 5. Coffee Mug- LOVE this coffee mug! Perfect for the host that you may be meeting for the first time or not sure what to get. 
  6. 6. Cook Book- I thought this would be something fun and different to give the host. Chances are they enjoy trying new recipes and I've only heard amazing things from the recipes in this book.
  7. 7. Capri Blue Volcano Candle- the best smelling candle of all time and perfect for any time of the year. 
  8. 8. Wine Glass Set- affordable and so cute for the holiday season! The host will definitely want to use these immediately. 
More gift guides to come! If there is anyone in particular that you're shopping for, let me know!


1 comment :

  1. I am just amazed. I hope that you continue to do your work like this in the future also. You can read the related post here Gift Ideas
